Risk Management, Bankruptcy and Restructuring Under Unique Institutional Setting: Case Studies in China



corporate risks, restructuring strategies, big data, mergers and acquisitions, institutions, stakeholder, business chain, sustainability


This paper aims to examine whether and how the corporate governance practices of distressed firms are sufficient to minimise the impact of corporate failure or bankruptcy in China. This paper will explore the role of government in the development agenda of promoting effective corporate governance practices (i.e. institutions) to avoid corporate bankruptcy or failure. How do these institutions promote the protective mechanism to protect corporates’ interests in various industries? How these developments will in turn affect stakeholders in various sectors. This paper will investigate the impact of China's corporate governance practices research and institutional changes on the sustainable development of corporate solvencies. This paper will use bibliometric analysis to perform statistical and correlation analysis on the relevant literature. Cases from China will be used for comparison. This paper will provide recommendations for emerging economies to develop ecosystems based on good corporate governance practices.


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How to Cite

Chen, S., Guo, K., Li, Y., & Lu, S. (2024). Risk Management, Bankruptcy and Restructuring Under Unique Institutional Setting: Case Studies in China. European Academic Journal - II, 1(1). Retrieved from https://eaj.ebujournals.lu/index.php/EAJ_II/article/view/118



