Mapping Climate Risk: A Comparative Bibliometric Analysis of Transition and Physical Risks in the EU and China Using CiteSpace



climate change, transition risk, physical risk, climate finance, EU and China, risk management, bibliometric analysis


This study conducts a comparative analysis of climate risks in the European Union and China using the bibliometric tool CiteSpace. It focuses on two primary types of climate risks: transition risks and physical risks. The research uses data from the Web of Science core database, analyzing keyword co-occurrence in climate risk literature from 1998 to 2024. The study reveals a general upward trend in climate risk publications, with distinct thematic focuses in the EU and China. The EU’s research emphasizes policy frameworks, renewable energy adoption, and urban resilience, reflecting a holistic approach to climate adaptation. Conversely, China’s research highlights technological solutions, public health, and energy security, showcasing a pragmatic approach. The study identifies key research hotspots and future directions of climate risk studies, offering insights for investors, policymakers, and stakeholders to develop effective climate strategies tailored to regional contexts.


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How to Cite

Chen, J., Zi, Q., Xu, H., & Yu, P. (2024). Mapping Climate Risk: A Comparative Bibliometric Analysis of Transition and Physical Risks in the EU and China Using CiteSpace. European Academic Journal - II, 1(1). Retrieved from



