How IoT-Enabled New Energy Vehicles Enhance Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Systems in Smart Cities Under Unique Institutional Settings? Case Studies of China



internet of things, new energy vehicle, intelligent transportation system, smart city, case study


The purpose of this paper is to study how government policies influence the advancement of IoT-enabled new energy vehicles (NEVs) in the context of sustainable intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in smart cities. As a crucial component of a smart city, the intelligent transportation system is the core of the development of urban transportation, whereas new energy vehicles comprise a critical element in ITS. Additionally, IoT is transforming vehicles with intelligence. Consequently, this paper starts with a bibliometric analysis to uncover hot spots to better comprehend China’s NEV industry. Further, this paper also examines the applications of IoT in NEVs and the current scenario of new energy vehicles in China by investigating multiple policies proposed by the government. Finally, the case of Guangdong province will be utilized as an illustration to promote IoT integration in the development of NEVs.


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How to Cite

Xu, H., Lin, H., & Yu, P. (2024). How IoT-Enabled New Energy Vehicles Enhance Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Systems in Smart Cities Under Unique Institutional Settings? Case Studies of China. European Academic Journal - II, 1(1). Retrieved from



