How Can PPP-Financed Railway Infrastructure in Thailand Boost Logistics and Strengthen “the Belt and Road” Economic Integration?


  • Ziyue He Independent Researcher


public-private partnership, Thai-Sino railway, logistic industry, Thai-Sino economic cooperation, belt and road initiative, regional economic integration


The purpose of this paper is to apply bibliometric analysis method to investigate how the advancing financing mode public private partnership (PPP) and its strengths will facilitate the construction of the Thai-Sino railway. As PPP is one of key components in Thai-Sino railway investment, the related policies of the two countries play significant roles during the PPP process. The authors will study what roles both government policies play in Thailand’s infrastructure construction and reveal the further impact that Thailand’s complementation of infrastructure will bring to the future development of the local logistics industry. Additionally, this paper will explore the influence that the successful open to traffic of the Thai-Sino railway will bring to Thailand’s profound economic cooperation with other economic entities in BRI regions. This paper will study how a developed logistics industry will help Thailand better integrate into the regional economic development. Finally, this paper will provide recommendations on how value added of PPP railway would help emerging economics to better integrate into BRI.


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How to Cite

He, Z. (2024). How Can PPP-Financed Railway Infrastructure in Thailand Boost Logistics and Strengthen “the Belt and Road” Economic Integration?. European Academic Journal - II, 1(1). Retrieved from



