European Academic Journal - II: Announcements <p>特别版说明:</p> <p>《欧洲学术期刊》(EAJ)推出了其特别版,这是一本完全开放获取的期刊,涵盖了人文、商业、社会和行为科学等不同领域的学术。作为一家权威的同行评审期刊,我们的目标是为各个领域内的开放获取研究提供一个平台。</p> <p>这本包容性期刊涵盖了广泛的人文和社会科学,邀请提交特定学科或跨学科研究的研究成果。我们的目标是发布文章、评论、评论和客座编辑的主题系列,通过我们的开放获取政策确保您的作品具有很高的知名度。</p> <p>我们鼓励对现有文献做出贡献的理论、方法、定量和定性研究。此外,我们赞赏处理新兴思想领域、解决议程设定问题或应对重大社会挑战的研究,无论研究领域如何。</p> <p>真正有助于推动人文科学、行为科学或社会科学发展的跨学科观点受到高度重视。我们也欢迎反思或寻求为各个领域的政策制定提供信息的学术研究。</p> <p>本特刊的一个显著特点是,我们提供双语出版的机会,接受简体中文和英文的论文。这种语言多样性旨在提高可及性,并接触到更广泛的受众。</p> <p>通过向《欧洲学术期刊》特别版提交您的作品,加入我们,为一个全面、包容的学术社区做出贡献。让我们共同塑造学术话语和知识传播的未来。</p> <p>Welcome to The European Academic Journal's (EAJ) Special Issue, a comprehensive and fully open-access journal that publishes high-quality scholarship from various disciplines within the humanities, business, social, and behavioral sciences. Our primary objective is to cultivate an environment that fosters interdisciplinary engagement and encourages the submission of research outputs arising from specific fields or inter-disciplinary perspectives.</p> <p>As a peer-reviewed outlet for open-access research, we strive to establish ourselves as the definitive platform for scholars and researchers to share their work within our scope. Our journal covers a wide range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences and publishes articles, reviews, comments, and guest-edited thematic series. By providing open access to your work, you can ensure its high visibility among the academic community and beyond.</p> <p>We have an inclusive scope that welcomes theoretical, methodological, quantitative, and qualitative scholarship that adds value to the existing literature. More specifically, we are enthusiastic about research that addresses emerging areas of thinking, sets the agenda for critical issues, or tackles grand societal challenges, regardless of the field of study. Moreover, we invite interdisciplinary perspectives that demonstrate a clear relevance to the advancement of the humanities, behavioral sciences, or social sciences.</p> <p>In addition to these criteria, we encourage scholarship that reflects on or seeks to inform policymaking across various domains. We believe in the power of research to contribute to evidence-based decision-making and policymaking processes.</p> <p>One unique aspect of this special edition is its bilingual publication. All accepted papers will be published online in both simplified Chinese and English, broadening the reach and accessibility of your work to a wider audience. We warmly welcome submissions in either of these languages.</p> <p>We invite you to join us in this endeavor to foster knowledge exchange, disseminate groundbreaking research, and drive intellectual discourse across various disciplines. Submit your work to The European Academic Journal's Special Issue and be a part of the evolving scholarly landscape.</p> en-US