
  • Daniel Phutinyane University of Botswana
  • Monageng Kgwadi


GNU Radio, Software Defined Radio, BladeRF, FM Transmitters


Commercial radio stations generate their revenue through sales of advertisement slots and sponsorships. Normally, a log registry is generated from the studio’s playback system through which the clients can confirm whether their advert played or not. However, since the terrestrial radio transmission network involves deploying multiple radio transmitters around the country to reach a wider audience, it becomes too expensive for commercial broadcasters to install and maintain those transmitters. On the other hand, if they don’t reach a wider audience, they struggle to convince the customers to buy advertising space, creating a vicious cycle which needs low-cost solutions to reduce the overhead costs. Some of those costs include remote monitoring systems of the transmitters which can be achieved by using software defined radio (SDR). With SDR, most of the signal processing traditionally carried out on dedicated hardware is carried out on software. In addition, the behaviour of an SDR-based remote monitoring system can be further customised and/or configured to the needs of each particular broadcaster. This project demonstrates a low-cost remote audio monitoring system for FM transmitters which can be used to remotely monitor on air transmitters using a Nuand BladeRF 2.0 micro xA4 software defined radio. By using speech recognition, further processing was done to eventually keep count, record and update on Power BI and Web how many times each advert was played. This solution offers a low-cost solution by eliminating the requirement of multiple sensors in the transmitter sites for remote monitoring purposes.


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