Thesis on communication strategies for creating awareness about mental health and youth empowerment programs


  • Dennis Kinyanjui Kokoro Group Ltd


Mental Health, Strategic position, Communication strategies, Youth empowerment


This thesis contributes to the research in: -

  1. Understanding Mental Health:

An analysis of the level of mental health awareness and understanding among Kokoro Group employees, while also exploring the role of organizational culture in fostering mental health awareness. Additionally, the evaluation of the effectiveness of existing programs or initiatives aimed at promoting mental health awareness within communities served by the Kokoro.

  1. Kokoro Group’s Strategic Position in the Global Market:

An investigation of the critical elements shaping Kokoro Group's strategic position on a global scale and analyzing market trends, competitive forces, and internal capabilities to provide insights into the company's current standing and potential areas for improvement, with a focus on global market dynamics.

  1. Evaluation of Communication Strategy:

Evaluation of the effectiveness of Kokoro Group's communication strategy in conveying its corporate identity and values. Examine how the strategy aligns with the company's objectives and assess its impact internally on employees and externally on stakeholders, proposing adjustments for optimization.

  1. Impact of Mental Health on the Community and introducing initiatives:

Investigate the broader impact of Kokoro Group's approach to mental health on the community. Assess how the company's youth empowerment programs and initiatives influence the mental health landscape beyond its workforce, including customers, suppliers, and the general community, offering insights into the societal implications.


This thesis explores four vital dimensions of Kokoro Group's operations and impact. It delves into the level of mental health awareness within communities, evaluates the company's strategic global positioning, assesses the effectiveness of its communication strategy in line with corporate objectives, and investigates the broader societal implications of its mental health initiatives beyond the workforce.


As referenced on Thesis


