Impact of principals’ instructional leadership on teacher professional development. A case of public secondary schools in Mombasa County Kenya
Instructional leadership, teacher professional development, pedagogical skills, inclusive education, teacher self-efficacy, assessment and reportingAbstract
This study sought to establish the impact of principals’ instructional leadership on teacher professional development in Mombasa County in Kenya. The specific objectives of this project were to investigate the impact of principals’ instructional leadership on teacher pedagogical skills, teacher knowledge of assessment and reporting, teacher self-efficacy and teacher support on inclusive education practices. The components of Weber's (1996) instructional leadership model was used to guide this study. The study employed explanatory sequential research design to establish the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variables. The target population of this study was the 1,103 principals and teachers teaching in the county. A sample of 305 respondents were picked out of which 216 responded back. These were 14 principals and 202 teachers. Data was collected through a questionnaire for the teachers and interview sessions with the principals. Descriptive statistics and inferential analysis was conducted on the data. Quantitative data was analysed descriptively using means and standard deviations, while qualitative data were thematically analysed and presented verbatim. The study found out that effective instructional leadership positively impacted teacher professional development. Policymakers, academia, school administrators, and teachers should collaborate to support this system as this will ultimately improve student learning outcomes.
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