The Ugly Face of International Law in Practice
Fraud, International Law, EvidenceAbstract
A purely theoretical understanding of International Law may preclude one from seeing the manner in which its practice is being abused. This paper examines the dark side of international legal practice, viz, when the practitioners have attempted to present the probative value of their claims by relying on false witness testimonies and documents. Further, it argues that the absence of a prescribed code of conduct complete with sanctions on counsels who do not honour it, have a negative impact on the procedural integrity and legitimacy of international courts. It examines the cases in which this has occurred and the consequences arising therefrom. Finally, this paper assesses the various approaches taken by the International Courts in relation to the presentation of fraudulent evidence by practitioners and offers suggestions on how better this could be handled.
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Case Law
Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities In and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America); Merits, International Court of Justice (ICJ), 27 June 1986, Diss. Op. Schwebel, p. 277.
Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities In and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America); Merits, International Court of Justice (ICJ), 27 June 1986.
Claim of Benjamin Weil no. 447 vs: Mexico.
Claim of La Abra silver mining co No. 489. vs Mexico, Published 1877 by Govt. Print. Off. in Mexico. Written in English.
Continental Shelf, Tunisia v Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Merits, Judgment, [1982] ICJ Rep 18, ICGJ 126 (ICJ 1982), 24th February 1982, International Court of Justice [ICJ], p. 93.
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International Documents
Code of Professional Conduct for counsel, ICC-ASP/4/Res.1.
IBA International Principles on Conduct for the Legal Profession, Adopted on 28th May 2011, by the International Bar Association.
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The Hague Principles on Ethical Standards for Counsel Appearing before International Courts and Tribunals; The Study Group of the International Law Association on the Practice and Procedure of International Courts and Tribunals, 2011.
National Documents
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Law Society of Kenya Code of Ethics an Conduct for Advocates, January 2016, available at
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United Nations, Charter of the United Nations, 24 October 1945, 1 UNTS XVI
United Nations, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 23 May 1969, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331